Mark Reads Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 34

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"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire": A Chapter by Chapter Guide

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Burn" is a long book, non only in pages. A reading guide may be useful, although if you accept not nonetheless read it information technology may also act as a spoiler. We recommend that you read the book commencement (information technology is likewise a delightful experience). If not, be warned that nigh everything is disclosed here: if you want to salve at to the lowest degree the whodunit problem (who is the villain playing double amanuensis for the Night Forces at Hogwarts) practise not read the guide to Affiliate 35.

harry potterChapter 1

Scene: the village of Little Hampleton, The Riddle Firm. This is where many years agone ane Tom Riddle and his parents were constitute dead. Frank Bryce, the gardener, was suspected of being the murderer, merely since the Riddles simply dropped dead with no evidence of foul play he was released. Bryce withal tends the empty Riddle House. Empty? Not entirely. Ridlle overhears a conversation between the Potter series archvillain, Lord Voldemort (partially disembodied), his skilful Wormtail and the snake Nagini. They take killed one Bertha Jorkins and plan to kill Harry Potter equally well. Nagini detects Bryce's presence, and Voldemort kills him. At this stage, the reader may call up that Tom Riddle is unimportant, and that Voldemort's selection of an abandoned domicile as his base has been merely casual. Only in chapter 33 nosotros will observe that Riddle is, in fact, very important (this is some 600 pages ahead, and many readers will have by that time forgotten that he is the same Riddle mentioned in chapter i).

harry potterChapter ii

Although nobody is supposed to know what happened at Riddle House, Harry Potter, equally nosotros all recollect, is magically connected to his archenemy Voldemort through his scar. He feels the scar and sees the whole scene while he is staying with his dull muggle (i.eastward. not-wizard) relatives, the Dursleys. He decides to write to his avoiding (but innocent) godfather, Sirius (whose story is told in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"), in society to written report the incident.

harry potterChapter three

The World Loving cup of Qudditch (a sport all Harry Potter fans are familiar with) is the big summer issue for wizards. The Wesleys (parents of Harry'southward best friend, Ron) have tickets for the terminal, Ireland vs. Bulgaria, and invite Harry (as well equally Hermione, who is Harry and Ron's gifted but muggle-born classmate). The Dursleys reluctantly take to let him become.

harry potterChapter four

The Wesleys arrive at the Dursleys' to pick upward Harry. They attempt to be polite, but the Dursleys bear then desperately that they are punished by Fred and George, Ron's terrible twin brothers who are into magical jokes. They induce Dudley (the Dursley's smashing son) to swallow a toffee which causes his tongue to grow.

harry potterChapter five

Harry arrives at the Wesleys' home. Their son Percy, having graduated from Hogwarts, now works with Mr. Crouch, a senior officer at the Ministry building of Magic and is more pompous than ever. Fred and George dream to open a shop of magic jokes when they will go out Hogwarts afterwards their terminal yr there.

harry potterChapter 6

Wizards travel by portkeys, innocent-looking devices which teletransport them to remote places, to the World Cup. Harry meets the father of Cedric Diggory, who is very proud of his son who one time beated Harry Potter in a quidditch friction match (because Harry fell from his broom, simply this is not important for Mr. Diggory).

harry potterChapter vii

All the wizards are excited waiting for the World Cup last. Harry and his friends come across Mr. Crouch and Ludo Bagman, a jovial Ministry of Magic officer who is in charge of magical sports. He induces Fred and George to bet on the last; they bet all their savings on an Irish victory coupled with the fact that Viktor Krum, Bulgaria'south young star actor, will get the snitch (this will not be plenty for Bulgaria to win if Ireland has already scored too many points).

harry potterChapter 8

The Earth Cup final: Harry and friends are in the VIP box where Mr. Crouch does not show up (but they see his female elf retainer, Winky, afterward to be revealed as another important character). Just as Fred and George predicted, Krum gets the snitch just Ireland wins, and they receive a lot of coin from Mr. Bagman.

harry potterChapter 9

In the aftermath of the World Loving cup, masked wizards hassle muggles, which is confronting all rules and reminiscent of the anti-muggle attitudes of the Death Eaters, the adepts of Lord Voldemort. As if to confirm the worst fears, Lord Voldemort's night marking appears in the sky. The culprit is not discovered, just the elf Winky is found wandering with Harry's magical wand (he has lost it during the game) and suspected of some wrongdoing. She is dismissed from Mr. Hunker'south service.

harry potterChapter 10

The incidents at the World Cup are covered by the wizard daily "Daily Prophet". The reporter in charge is Rita Skeeter, who has a taste for scandals and tries to make trouble at the Ministry of Magic.

harry potterAffiliate xi

As they practice every year, Harry and friends board the Hogwarts Expres to become to school. They come across the usual bad guys (Draco Malfoy and his friends) who hint at a big event to be held at Hogwarts. They too discuss "Mad-Eye" Moody, the new professor of Defense force Against the Black Arts, plainly obsessed with Death Eaters conspiracies.

harry potterChapter 12

At the opening of the school twelvemonth, Principal Dumbledore announces that there will be no quidditch tournament. Instead, the Triwizard Tournament will be held, a venerable competition between the 3 main magical high schools (Hogwards, Beauxbaton and Durmstrang), which has not taken place in the last 700 years, For this unsafe tournament, a Goblet of Burn down volition select a champion for each school, but simply those over 17 may enter their names into the Goblet. Hogwarts underage students (not including Harry, who does not want to compete) devise various methods to fool the Goblet merely fail.

harry potterAffiliate 13

Draco Malfoy makes a nuisance of himself as usual and hassles Hermione considering she is muggle-born. Mad-Eye Moody, the new professor, immediately takes a dislike to him and transforms Malfoy into a ferret. He is told that Hogwarts professors are supposed to resort to less extreme forms of punishments, and Malfoy is restored to his normal self. Rita Skeeter keeps looking for scandals on behalf of the "Daily Prophet".

harry potterChapter 14

Moody teaches his class almost the iii forbidden Unforgivable Curses: the Imperius Curse, used to control another person's will and making him or her a virtual puppet; the Cruciatus Curse, inflicting extreme hurting; and the Avada Kedavra, which instantly kills. Using these spells confronting a man ways jail at Azkaban for life, only Moody insists that the students should know them in order to defend themselves if attacked. In the meantime, Hermione is increasingly concerned with the fate of house elves, who are not paid and take no vacations, and starts a movement for their rights (the elves are not very interested, all the same).

harry potterChapter 15

Students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang made their magical appearance at Hogwarts. Beauxbatons' principal is the huge Madame Maxime, and she has with her a magically cute daughter, Fleur Delacour. Durmstrang's name carries an unpleasant association with the Dark Forces and his principal, Mr Karkaroff, appears sinister. One of his students, even so, is none else that Bulgarian quidditch star Viktor Krum, of World Cup fame.

harry potterChapter 16

The Goblet of Burn picks upwards the champions. Durmstrang'south champion, as everybody had easily predicted, is Viktor Krum. Beauxbaton's champion is Fleur Delacour. Hogwarts' champion is the proficient-looking Cedric Diggory. Many are disappointed, but the Goblet extracts a fourth name: Harry Potter. Despite protests that Harry is under age and that Hogwarts cannot take ii champions, it is ruled that Harry volition compete.

harry potterAffiliate 17

Harry is very unhappy virtually being a champion and is persuaded that some enemy, powerful enough to fool the Goblet about his age (a very difficult task), has included his name, hoping that he will be killed in the dangerous tournament. Nobody believes him, even so, and most Hogwarts students call back that he has managed to fool the Goblet. Ron, who badly wanted to compete himself, decides to cease his friendship with Harry, much to the latter's agony.

harry potterChapter 18

The champions' wands are weighed in training of the commencement of the three tasks of the tournament. Draco Malfoy starts a entrada against Harry with signs "Potter Stinks". Harry is interviewed by the formidable Rita Skeeter.

harry potterAffiliate 19

Skeeter's piece appears, and, much to the surprise of Harry (who didn't impact the subject field at all), focuses on Harry's supposed romance with Hermione. Hagrid, the keeper of magical animals and a friend of Harry, gives him an data about the first task: it will involve unsafe dragons. Sirius appears, warns Harry against Durmstrang'due south principal, Karkaroff (a erstwhile associate of Lord Voldemort), and is near to offer a suggestion about dragons when Ron (still not on speaking terms with Harry) appears and Sirius has to hide.

harry potterChapter 20

The first task: Harry shares his information with Cedric Diggory, who is very grateful. The task is about taking an egg from a very protective dragon. All champions defeat their dragons simply Harry and Viktor Krum complete the job in the quickest style and are tied in the offset identify. Harry's spell is simple: he decides to do what he does all-time -- summons the Firebolt broom he uses for quidditch, tells himself this is simply another quidditch game, attracts the dragon in the sky and catches the egg as if information technology is was the quidditch's snitch. Harry'due south house, Griffyndor, hosts a big celebration, where Harry and Ron are reconciled.

harry potterChapter 21

Rita Skeeter tries to interview the unsuspecting Hagrid. Hermione reaches for the kitchen in order to agitate the business firm elves and discovers that the simply paid elves are Dobby (liberated by Harry in a previous novel) and Winky (who establish employment at Hogwarts subsequently the World Cup incident), only they are despised by the other elves for this and quite miserable.

harry potterAffiliate 22

Harry discovers that he has an unexpected chore: as champion, he should open the dances at the Yule Brawl. This means that he should offset find a partner. It takes time for him to detect the courage to ask his crush Cho Chan, just she answers she volition go to the ball with Cedric Diggory. Ron is likewise tardily in asking Hermione who says she is already engaged with somebody else. Harry settles for Parvati Patil (a good-looking daughter Harry couldn't care less nearly), and Ron will take her sis.

harry potterChapter 23

This is a long chapter nigh the Yule Brawl, where Viktor Krum shows up with an unexpected partner: Hermione, who has spent three hours in preparing herself, has inverse her usual bookworm look and looks beautiful. Much to Ron's chagrin (we understand Ron to have evolved beyond mere friendship for Hermione), Krum and Hermione seem to gather quite well. Then practise Cedric Diggory and Cho Chan, making Harry equally unhappy as Ron. The huge Hagrid is courting Beauxbaton's principal, Madame Maxime, just makes the mistake of confessing he is half-giant and declaring that he thinks she is, as well. Since many are persuaded that giants are dangerous, Maxime is outraged and replies (falsely) that she has only large bones, and the possible romance is broken. Cedric Diggory returns the favor to Harry (who tipped him about the first job), and suggests that he opens the egg every champion has received for the second job while taking a bath.

harry potterChapter 24

Rita Skeeter writes a vicious article on Hagrid, playing on the general prejudice about giants and attacking Dumbledore for keeping a unsafe behemothic at Hogwarts. Hagrid is desperate and wants to quit, merely Dumbledore and the Harry gang persuades him to stay. Hermione insults Skeeter, who promises revenge.

harry potterAffiliate 25

Harry, who has tried to sympathize what the egg means without using Cedric's tip, finally tries to open information technology in hot water and hear from the egg that he should recover under water, fighting merpeople, what he treasures most. He is very concerned since he cannot swim. While he wanders at dark, Professor Snape (who dislikes him intensely) accuses him of having searched his office. Moody defends Harry and confronts Snape, exposing him as a former Death Eater (Snape contends he is reformed and Dumbledore trusts him, which happens to be true).

harry potterChapter 26

The second task. The champions should recover under water what they most cherish. Harry discovers that for him this means Ron (for Viktor, it's Hermione, and for Cedric it's Cho Chan -- things take evolved rather chop-chop, and now it's beloved: for Fleur, it's her trivial sis). Harry is desperate but the elf Dolby comes out with the solution by offering him gillyweed, that enables to breath under h2o. Harry passes the merpeople and reaches the hostages first. He frees Ron and may win the chore, just he is concerned for Fleur's sis since Fleur is tardily. So, he decides to free Fleur'due south sis every bit well, and finishes tertiary after Cedric and Krum who in turn have freed Cho Chan and Hermione. The jury awards him extra points for his moral fiber, nether Karkaroff'south opposition, and he is tied with Cedric at the get-go identify. Fleur is grateful for Harry's saving of her sis and starts been much kinder to him (Harry doesn't seem interested).

harry potterAffiliate 27

Rita Skeeter publishes her most vicious article to date near Hermione using magical means to manipulate both her supposed boyfriend Harry Potter and Viktor Krum. The article appears in the female magazine "Weekly Witch", and Hermione receives angry letters from both Potter and Krum fans (fifty-fifty Ron's mother is impressed). Hermione bravely resists, but wonders how Skeeter discovered that Krum has invited her to his house for the summer (which appears to be true, adding to Ron's business organization). Harry meets Sirius, who warns him against Mr. Crouch, who has disappeared from his function and is supposedly sick. Crouch, Sirius expalains, was so cruel in fighting the Dark Forces that he came to share the same methods (he sent to Azkaban his own son, who claimed to be innocent and apparently died there).

harry potterChapter 28

Viktor Krum suggests that he and Harry accept a private word in the wood, and asks Harry whether Hermione ever was his girlfriend. Harry assures him that this was non the case. While they talk, an ostensibly demented Mr. Crouch appears and talk incoherently about the homicide of his missing employee Bertha Jorkins, his own stupidity, and impending doom. Harry runs to get Dumbledore merely when they render Viktor lays unconscious and Hunker has disappeared. Karkaroff accuses Hogwarts and Dumbledore to plot against his champion.

harry potterChapter 29

Harry enters into a dream land during a lesson, and sees Wormtail reporting to Lord Voldemort that he had killed somebody (obviously Crouch). The 2 hint that plans to kill Harry are now quite avant-garde.

harry potterChapter 30

Harry goes to Dumbledore'south office to study nearly the dream. While he waits for Dumbledore, he sees in a magical water basin called the Pensieve (where Dumbledore stores his thoughts) quondam trials against Death Eaters, including Karkaroff'southward (who escapes life imprisonment by naming names) and Crouch'due south son'due south. Rita Skeeter was already covering the trials as a reporter.

harry potterAffiliate 31

While the champions prepare for the 3rd task (a maze, with several of Hagrid's beasts to exist subdued before going for the Triwizard Cup itself), Harry is distracted past a new fell article past Skeeter calling him "disturbed and dangerous" for falling in a trance state during classes (over again, he doesn't empathise how she may know information technology) and persecuting "adept" students such as Malfoy. The tertiary task is a handicap, and the champions leading the tournament (Cedric and Harry) start get-go. Harry meets a Sphinx, solves a riddle, and advances. So does Cedric. They hear a weep from Fleur, and Harry sees Viktor Krum trying the illegal Cruciatus Curse on Cedric. Harry saves Cedric, who would be first in taking the Cup. Cedric, notwithstanding, refuse saying that Harry deserves it. They argue and decide to bear on the Cup together, going for a necktie. They do not know that the Cup is a portkey, and it takes them to a faraway place.

harry potterChapter 32

Cedric and Harry land in the graveyard of Little Hangleton (get back to Affiliate 1 for explanations). They found there Wormtail, who kills Cedric with Voldemort's wand through the Avada Kedavra spell. He collects a piece of his own flesh, the bones of Tom Riddle (once again, see Affiliate one), and a vial of Harry's claret and apply them to make Lord Voldemort rise again.

harry potterChapter 33

Voldemort is in a talkative mood, and explains that he was the son of a muggle father and a witch. The begetter, who abandoned the female parent, was Tom Riddle, and Voldemort eventually killed Riddle and his parents. After his problems with Harry (run across the previous novels), in guild to ascension again he needed the mankind of an practiced willingly given (Wormtail), the bones of the male parent (Tom Riddle), and the blood of the enemy (Harry Potter). He may accept picked upward another enemy (something he is not short of), but past taking Harry's claret he believes he has absorbed Harry'southward powers and is now invincible. The Death Eaters return to support Voldemort; they include Draco Malfoy'southward begetter and other usual suspects. Voldemort hints that his nearly useful ally is at Hogwarts as a double agent.

harry potterChapter 34

Voldemort challenges Harry to a magical duel. Harry is certain he will die, but when Harry's and Voldemort's wands connect, the ghost of the Dark Lord's victims come out from the latter: Cedric, Bertha Jorkins, Frank Bryce (the gardener of Riddle Firm killed in Chapter 1) and Harry's ain parents. They help Harry to escape taking Cedric's body with him.

harry potterChapter 35

Harry is back to Hogwarts with Cedric'southward dead torso. He is interviewed past Professor Moody who reveals to be Voldemort'south secret ally who has included Harry in the Tournament in order to transport information technology to Voldemort. He has also helped Harry to win, inter alia past putting Viktor Krum under an Imperius Curse (so, Viktor is not really guilty for having tried the Cruciatus Curse on Cedric). Dumbledore saves the twenty-four hour period and information technology is revealed that Moody is not Moody. The existent Moody has been imprisoned past Barty Crouch, Mr. Crouch's son. Far from existence innocent, he was every bit guilty equally hell. He managed to escape Azkaban and was kept in hiding by his begetter (who finally accused his ain stupidity before dying). He lived in hiding in his father's home, but the faithful elf Winky was authorized to accept him to the Quidditch World Cup disguised under an Invisibility Cloak. There, Winky lost command of Barty, who subdued Moody, replaced him, and ready up the trap for Harry. The latter escaped since his and Voldemort'due south wand are twin wands, and when they met the former recreated the ghosts of his most recent victims. It is besides revealed that Karkaroff had cipher to do with Harry'southward problems; he was too afraid of Dumbledore to return to his old loyalties equally a Expiry Eater. Equally for Professor Snape, Dumbledore nevertheless believes his reform to be 18-carat.

harry potterChapter 36

The Government minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, refuses to believe Dumbledore. He does non believe that Voldemort has risen again: he thinks that Barty Crouch was deluded into thinking that he was acting for the Night Lord, and that Harry Potter is prone to hallucinating just as Rita Skeeter wrote. In fact, Fudge refuses to see his routine compromised by the render of the Dark Lord, and prefers to believe that all is in society (Barty Crouch, in the meantime, has received the Expiry Kiss by one of the Dementors, the terrible guardians of the Azkaban jail, and is out of the motion-picture show). Dumbledore advises Fudge that a terrible boxing is starting, and that he should dismiss the Dementors from Azkaban (they are not to exist trusted and will betray the Ministry to Voldemort) and send letters to the giants apologizing for past bigotry, least they side with Voldemort. Fudge would have none of it, and Dumbledore, facing dismissal as principal of Hogwarts, say that their ways should office.

harry potterChapter 37

Contrary to Fudge'due south instructions, Dumbledore closes the school year past announcing to the students that Lord Voldemort has risen once more and terrible times are coming. He honors Cedric'due south memory (Cho Chan cries… merely is now free for a possible future romance with Harry, although and so far she is not a very definite character), and Harry'due south bravery. Dumbledore sends messages to all his potential allies (including Madame Maxime, now reconciled with Hagrid) in order to set for the battle. He advises Harry to lie depression in the summer (this means, unfortunately, with the Dursleys), and the students board the railroad train to return abode. Whilst Harry wonders why Rita Skeeter has not covered the dramatic end of the Tournament, Hermione reveals that she discovered Rita's hole-and-corner (she transformed herself into a problems in lodge to spy at Hogwarts), caught her in her insect form, blocked her transformation and is keeping her in a bottle until summer. Harry has received the huge money prize for the Tournament (Cedric'south family does not want it). He does not want the money either, and finally gives it to Fred and George to open their joke store. They revealed that Ludo Bagman paid them on their Earth Cup's bet with cocky-vanishing leprechaun coin. Bagman is a gambler and has ruined himself; he bet on Harry for the Tournament with the goblins, just was not paid since Harry didn't win alone only was tied with Cedric. Bagman is now escaping pursued past creditors. Harry has more pressing concerns: not merely Voldemort is out for him, but the Dursleys are at the station for some other dreadful summertime amongst the muggles. Unlike in other books, Lord Voldemort has not been defeated (Harry merely escaped), and the concluding chapter is chosen "The Beginning" (definitely not "The End"). Stay tuned for more than.


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