Foods That Babys Can Eat Foods That Babies Can Eat
Baby in high chair eating
Credit: Shutterstock
There are very few hard-and-fast rules about introducing baby food. Experts simply recommend giving your infant one new food every three days, watching closely for signs of allergic reaction, and avoiding choking hazards. If you're confused about what, exactly, to feed your little one, check out these 20 healthy and safe options.
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When to Start Baby Food
Baby Girl Eating in High Chair
Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says you should introduce solids between 4 and 6 months, but the answer depends on your baby. He might be ready if he exhibits the following signs:
- Sitting upright and holding up his head
- Looking around himself curiously
- Ability to swallow and loss of "tongue thrust" reflex (this prevents you from putting solid objects into your baby's mouth)
- Seeming dissatisfied from milk alone
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7 Foods to Feed Baby Before Age 1
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handful of strawberries
Credit: Rock and Wasp/Shutterstock
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Salmon steaks
Credit: Shutterstock
Babies' growing brains crave DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that's essential to cognitive development—and salmon is packed with the stuff. Mash some cooked, flaked fish into a puree, or bread it and bake it for salmon nuggets.
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Glass jar of peanut butter
Credit: Christian Jung/Shutterstock
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Onions and Garlic
cutting onions
Credit: Greg Scheidemann
Who says you need to stick with traditional baby food? Try including small amounts of onion, leeks, scallions, and garlic into your baby's diet. When cooked, these flavor-boosters add a mellow, savory quality to purees and chunkier baby meals.
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Spinach and Other Leafy Greens
Credit: Ivee Stephens
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Tray of Raw Beef Steak
Credit: Andy Lyons
If your family eats meat, don't shy away from beef. Full of protein and zinc, it's an ideal early baby food. Serve it pureed on its own or mixed with potato, sweet potato, or a green vegetable puree.
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Whole Grains
Credit: Andy Lyons
There's no reason to limit your baby's starches to old-fashioned rice cereal. Try cereals made from oats, quinoa, brown rice, or other whole grains—which generally have more fiber and often more flavor.
- RELATED: When Do Babies Start Eating Baby Food?
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Butternut Squash Puree
Credit: Lauren Volo
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How to Make Baby Food: Butternut Squash Puree
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How to Hard Boil an Egg
Credit: Shutterstock
With six grams of protein, healthy fats, and choline for eye health, eggs are a great baby food. And they're also perfectly easy to prepare; simply blend a scrambled egg with a vegetable puree, cut up an omelet as a finger food, or chop a hard-boiled egg for easy eating.
- RELATED: Baby's First Finger Foods
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Lemony Lentil Soup
Credit: Peden and Munk
Did you know lentils are an amazing source of iron? Unlike dried beans, they require no soaking, and they combine well with a variety of savory add-ins like veggies, mild curry powder, and fresh herbs.
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More Baby Food Options
peach slices
Credit: Blaine Moats
Continue to expand your infant's horizons with these baby food options:
- Peaches
- Zucchini
- Lamb
- Kale
- Strawberries
- Oats
- Beets
- Basil and other herbs
- Pumpkin
- Cheese
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Foods That Babys Can Eat Foods That Babies Can Eat
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