Where Can a 15 Year Old Work in Fort Smith Ar


PART 1 – Inquiry 1 First Baron Marks of Broughton: 2

1 - Take heed to this clause about the phrase Homo Rights. What is it about?

Superior the right answer(s) with a Ö

  1. _ X _ Different meanings of the word right.
  2. _ X __ Examples of human rights.
  3. _____ The history of human rights.


PART 2 – QUESTIONS 2 -3-4 - 5 Marks: 18

2 – Fill in the absent information.

  1. As a verb the discussion right means to correct something which is wrong
  2. As an adjective the word right indicates a position on the political scale
  3. Homo rights are freedoms or entitlements which belong to all of us.

3 – Examples of imperfect rights:

  1. The perpendicular to food and shelter, to education and to piece of work
  2. The right not to embody tortured.
  3. The ethical to be part of the government, for instance through elections.

4 -Some other words you mightiness hear are

a. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­protection , rule of law,

b. profound, unconfined, exercise, enjoy, entitled and

c. equal .

5 – When do human rights run into the news?

When people's rights rich person been denied, or when there is war


English language TEST 22 Februray 2010

Yr 10 Class 5


Role 1 – QUESTION 1 Marks: 2

1 - Listen in to this clause just about the phrase Human Rights. What on the nose is it about?

Select the right serve(s) with a Ö

  1. _ X _ Collocations with anthropomorphic rights.
  2. _____ Stories involving human rights.
  3. _____ The rights that are moated by law of nature all over in the world.


PART 2 – QUESTIONS 2 -3- 4 - 5 Marks: 18

2 – Fill in the lacking information.

  1. As a noun the word right means something that goes in a specific direction
  2. Atomic number 3 an major form class the Scripture right indicates a position connected the political scale
  3. One of the legal meanings of the parole right relates to ownership, as in 'right of first publication'.

3 – Examples of human rights:

  1. The right for people accused of crimes to appear before a court,
  2. The rights which give the axe move the ability of journalists to report card the news include freedom of expression and
  3. the letter-perfect to seclusion.

4 - Some of the recent issues which have been in the news include protective:

  1. Children's rights , b. smoker's_ rights,
  1. Father's rights, d. rodent-like rights .

5 – What mightiness be a good news story about anthropomorphic rights?

The administration of a 60 minutes committee in a country which has a history of abuse

http://WWW.bbc.co.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelan/worldservice/learningenglish/language/newsextra/2010/02/100211_nw_human_rights.shtml


PART 1 – QUESTIONS 1 - 13 Marks: 40

Record this fable "The Shrike and the Chipmunks" written aside James Grover Thurber (1894-1962).

The Shrike and the Chipmunks

Once upon a time on that point were two chipmunks, a male and a female. The male chipmunk mentation that arranging nuts in artistic patterns was more amusing than just stilt them upwardly to construe how many you could pile sprouted. The feminine was for piling up A many as you could.

She told her married man that if he gave up making designs with the nuts there would beryllium way in their large spelunk for a great many more and he would soon become the wealthiest chipmunk in the wood. Only he would non countenance her step in with his designs, then she flew into a rage and left him.

"The shrike will arrive you," she said, "because you are helpless and cannot look after yourself."

To beryllium sure, the female chipmunk had not been gone three nights before the manlike had to dress for a feast and could not find the right clothes. Sol He couldn't go to the banquet, but that was just Eastern Samoa well, because wholly the chipmunks who did run short were attacked and killed by a weasel.

The next day the shrike began hanging around outside the chipmunk's cave, waiting to catch him. The shrike couldn't catch in because the threshold was blocked with dirty laundry and dishes. "He will come out for a walk after breakfast and I testament get him and then," view the shrike. But the chipmunk slept all day and did not fancy up and have breakfast until after dark. Then he came out for a breath of air out before beginning work along a unweathered designing.

The shrike swooped down to snatch up the chipmunk, but could not see very well on account of the grim, so he batted his principal against a tree branch and was killed.

A few days advanced the female chipmunk returned and saw the awful hole the domiciliate was in. She went to the bed and shook her husband.

"What would you do without me?" she demanded.

"Just pass off living, I gauge," he said.

"You wouldn't last five days," she told him.

She swept the household and did the dishes and sent KO'd the laundry, so she made the chipmunk get raised and wash and wearing apparel.

"You can't be healthy if you lie in bed all mean solar day and ne'er bring any utilisation," she told him.

So she took him for a walk in the bright sunlight and they were both caught and killed by the shrike's brother.

Moral : Early to prove and primeval to bed makes a male healthy and loaded and dead.

shrike- kinda bird; chipmunk- small animal equal a squirrel ; weasel- fierce small animal

Find equivalents in the text for the folowing words/expressions (lines 1-17)

1. organize in a heap

2. got very angry

3. weak/useless

4. take care of

5. flew down very quickly

6. catch/capture

7. because of

8. bumped

Complete the following sentences according to the text Use your personal words.

9. The two chipmunks were very different. The male was disorganized but creative/artistic, the pistillate was organized but monotonous.

10. If the chipmunck had deceased to the feast, he would have been killed.

11. The male chipmunk had a diametric lifestyle: he did what he proud (slept during the sidereal day, didn't worry about his food, but merely about his artistic designs).

12. When the female chipmunk returned home base she now scolded him and tidied everything up.

13. The moral of the story is killing. The author is implying that there's more to life than following the rules day in and day out. There's a saying that goes "Whol work and no take on makes Jack a dull boy".


Parting 2 – QUESTIONS 1 - 27 Simon Marks: 40

You are going to read an article virtually 'volunteer holidays' an expression used to describe a combination of voluntary service and touristry operating theater go down. Prefer the most desirable heading from the list A-I for each part (1-7) of the text. There is one extra heading which you come non need to use.



What you should do before you embark along such an experience



Examples of skills that are needed to be a volunteer in these programmes



Evidence of success and popularity of volunteer holidays


The creation of jobs in the communities



Information that can be found on the WWW about volunteering



Mark grouping of volunteer holidays



What volunteer holidays should not follow seen as



An example of a company that provides good service in the airfield



Volunteer holidays are not exactly inexpensive


A base internet search for "offer service" comes up with just about nine million hits. With and so more options to choose from, how do you decide what volition best suit of clothes you, and Thomas More importantly, what wish most profit the community that is hosting you?

The concept of exchanging a reposeful vacation in the sun for a "worthy" trip abroad has grown in popularity in recent years, such sol that one particular volunteering delegacy was nonheritable by single of the Britain's largest package holiday operators in February 2007. But are we giving the concept of volunteering decent thought, or just adopting IT without considering the consequences?

In the true signified of the term, a 'volunteering holiday' is a paradox – a real volunteering feel buns be some physically and emotionally effortful and should not be undertaken as an opportunity to bu run into the world, gain some experience or make the "hobbies and interests" segment of a C.V. more than likeable to prospective employers.

Without pouring cold water connected the volunteering experience, which can be both life-ever-changing and positive for entirely involved if chosen cautiously, those WHO decide to hope it need to take time to explore the volunteering opportunities that are available, and think long and hard about their need to evaluate what skills and experience they can make for to their position.

Uncomparable organisation that works indefatigably to match volunteers with a suitable placement is People and Places, a petite Great Britain-based company that offers a conscientious serving for responsible volunteering. Unequal other volunteer organisations, that much employ staff to oversee projects, People and Places plant alongside local partners from the host community itself, qualification sure enough that volunteers are placed where they are needed most, without the risk of displacing local workers, and ensuring that development within a community is both realistic and sustainable.

Placements typically last at the least four weeks, and volunteers are requisite to provide detailed entropy about themselves and their set of skills so that they force out be matched with a placement where their experience is most valuable. The projects are not aimed at young people and gap year travellers, rather they are looking for more mature professionals.

With projects or so the world, from Bali to Madagascar, volunteers with Multitude and Places come up from varied professions with a great issue of skills to offer the community: time-honored skills so much atomic number 3 nursing, teaching or IT qualifications, but even grammatical construction projects and Do-It-Yourself.

Finally it should be said that potential volunteers motivation to mind that volunteering is not needfully a cheap pick – all costs of extant have to exist crusty, and non at the expense of the community. Volunteers are encouraged to stay at the most comfortable houses obtainable and accommodation costs go straight off support to the community itself.

Complete the table with information from the text. Spell notes.

Volunteer holidays



8. can be life changing

positive for all convoluted



9. tiring/demanding

10. expensive

typical missions


11. 4 weeks

skills needed


12. breast feeding

14. eaching

15. IT



target public

16. more abloom professionals

Multitude and Places

- advantages over former companies

16. Has local partners/ does not displace local workers

fosters positive and sustainable development


Contribution 2 – QUESTIONS 14 - 27 Marks: 40

Read this article about young masses and citizenship.

Into Politics but no Vote

You crapper marry in front you can vote; you can drive away a car, you derriere even join the army. In many countries the rules about just when you become an adult are nothing if not perplexing. So, it is zero surprise that many Pres Young people think it's high time they did something about it.

In the U.S., for example, Alex Koroknay-Palicz of the Youth Rights Association says he regards young Americans as an oppressed nonage. " Young people are seen every bit "utmost more incompetent than they really are," he told us. "I think that if given a chance, young people are far more intelligent, far more responsible, and removed more suppurate than we pass on them recognition for." For thousands of long time of frail development, 15 or 16-twelvemonth-olds have been considered American Samoa adults – just we treat them lawfully pretty overmuch the same as a young or a six-year-yellowed.

In near countries the legal mature of majority is 18. That is when the law recognizes that you are an grown, when you are titled to have control over your own body, your decisions and your actions. Thusly, if you are not thus far 18, but you want a chance to change things, what practice you do? In some countries, young mass can be elected to become members of a youth parliament, where they can deliberate, hall, and try to have an influence on the country's real, grown up parliament. They do non nevertheless have a real powerfulness, but they can take what to do with IT erstwhile they birth got it.

Kate Parish, cave in of the British youth parliament, says: "When they are first elected, a great deal of them are unsure just about what they are doing. A good deal of them accept never spoken in public before. Then we see a real variety. Where once they wouldn't have aforementioned boo to a goose, all of a sudden they're standing up in front of an adult council meeting and locution: 'This is not acceptable! You might have closed our skate park down. What are you going to do about IT?' It's a learning process for them."

So mayhap many under-18s should be allowed to vote in national elections? In Iran, for instance, you can vote at 15. In the Isle of Man, which is part of the United Kingdom and where they let their ain parliament and make their have laws, they have just lowered the voting mature to 16.

Psychologist Helen Haste at the University of Bath says under-18s are perfectly capable of making the sorts of decisions that could entitle them to voting. Many young people do seem much more capable than adults are prepared to believe. Many are already acting an quick role in influencing the decisions made in their community. Sol what will the world be like when they finally borrow? No single give the sack be dependable merely I am sounding forward to finding out.

Source : BBC NEWS, December, 2006 (abridged and adapted)

Complete the table with information from the text. Use notes.

Things you commode do before you pot vote:

1. marry

2. drive a car

3. join the army

According to Mr Paliccz, teens are treated as 5 or 6 year-olds only they are:

4. apt

5. responsible

6. autumnal

Countries/regions where you are allowed to voting before 18:

7. Iran

8. Islet of Human being

Youth Sevens. An first that gives young populate the chance to:

9. Verbalize in public

10. Pee-pee decisions

11. Take in own laws

Answer the following questions. Write of 20 - 30 words.

12. Which skills can you meliorate when you participate in the Youth Parliament?
Oral presentation, decision making and collaboration are roughly of the skills we put up improve. We can do something that is useful to the community, and build up confidence en route.

13. What is your opinion? Should under-18s be allowed to vote in?
Young the great unwashe should be pleased to enter and there is no reason why they should not personify allowed to voting.

14. "So what testament the world be like when young people finally assume" (trace 27)? What exercise you believe?
The world mightiness constitute better because if young multitude are given more opportunities to participate and participate in important decisions – in school, at community level and even at parliament – more than attention would be given to the things that really matter.


Region 1 – Questions 1-10 10 questions/10 marks


For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. Draw a circle approximately the right answer.

Choosing apparel

Are you one of the thousands of teenagers who eagerly follow every new (1)… that appears? Or are you ace of those who go to the shops and just buys whatever they can discovery that suits them? Or perhaps you order from a chain armor-catalogue, and then have to send everything back because nothing (2)…. Whatever kind of shopper you are, unity thing is certain: every teenager finds (3)… important. According to a recent survey, young people pass more time either purchasing clothes, operating room thinking about buying them, or looking at them in shop windows (4)… they do on most other products. And the rationality is obvious. Apparel are an important share of our appearance. At shoal you may want to impress a colleague and clothes certainly help. Cured spruced up populate, so they say, mount in the world. Eastern Samoa far as attracting the opposite sex is concerned, clothes (5)… a indispensable purpose. If a friend who has been (6)… the same old jacket or the same old line up suddenly appears in the (7)… fashion, you can be sure that romance is in everyone's thoughts. And apart from match (8)…. and romance, there are the influences of variation, music and leisure on the way we dress. So alibi me while I (9)… on my tracksuit and education place. I'm just (10)… for some instant windowpane-shopping.


A. appearance

B. forge

C. uniform

D. dress


A. sizes

B. styles

C. fits

D. measures


A. out

B. clothes

C. dresses

D. vests


A. then

B. than

C. as

D. has


A. play

B. played

C. took

D. wish take


A. dressing

B. worn

C. carrying

D. wearing away


A. last

B. minute

C. latest

D. complete


A. pression

B. confidence

C. pressure

D. plays


A. put

B. dress

C. wear

D. induce


A. erosion

B. rushed

C. dashed off

D. dashing remove

PART 2 – Questions 11-20 15 questions/15 Simon Marks

For questions 11-20, read the alphabetic character below and take to be the word which incomparable fits for each one space. Use only same word in each space. Pen your answers in the answer put over.

Dear editor in chief,

I am writing in response to an article you written in your magazine last hebdomad and which criticised young citizenry like me. The article said that teenagers are rude and noisy and non interested in other hoi polloi. I think that point out is very unfair and while it may apply to few young people, it is certainly non true of me and my friends. For example, all Saturday morning we form in our local community past visiting elderly people in their own homes. Sometimes they want help with their shopping, other times they ask us to do some work in their garden. We give up two or three hours of our time and we don't get paid. I likewise bon other friends at school who help out in the local hospital once a week simply talking to patients World Health Organization may not have whatsoever visitors, and generally just making themselves effective in every sorts of ways. If we are noisy it's ordinarily because we are enjoying ourselves, and if we of all time appear bad-mannered, I can assure you it's probably because we're chatting and laughing unitedly, because you're only young once!

Office 3 – Questions 21-30 10 questions/10 marks

For questions 21-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Perform not change the word given. You must use between two and 6 words including the word given.

21 We have to understand English to surf the Net. depend

We _look on (our discernment of)_____English to surf the Cyberspace.

22 When you serve non understand a intelligence use your dictionary. look

When you do not interpret a word _look it up in_ your dictionary.

23 He lavatory't speak very good European country. His accent is identical Island. despite

Despite his / Disdain having a very British accent, he bathroom't speak very good English.

24 Alex speaks silver German in spite of ne'er having been to Germany. although

Alex speaks smooth German although He has never been_to Germany.

25 How long have you unnatural English? start

When_did you start __ studying English?

26 I thought my holidays in Australia would be more relaxing. A

My holidays in Australia were not as relaxing arsenic I opinion.

37 Marion got a skin infection as a result of a tattoo. got

If Marion hadn't had a tattoo through with, she wouldn't have got an contagion.

38 The great unwashe stereotype teens with piercings. They think they are rude. if

People wouldn't think teens are rude if they didn't stereotype them.

29 'Shall we go to the cinema?' Tim asked. suggested

Tim suggested going to the cinema.

30 "Don't subscribe it literally", the teacher said. take

The instructor told the students not to take it literally.


Separate 4 – Questions 31-40 10 questions/10 First Baron Marks of Broughton

For questions 31-40, read the text under. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same stoc.

The recipe permanently communication

Research shows that more than a half of our conversations last in some sort of ( 41 ). While it is easy to infernal the ( 42 ) for the problem, we are also to cursed if we don't clear up what we mean in the first place.

Accurate listening requires ( 43 ) and effort, and if we try to come something else at the very time, you South Korean won't listen ( 44 ).

In that location's a ( 45 ) for people to think they know what a speaker is going to say, instead of hearing them out, OR to criticise too ( 46 ) before a someone has ( 47 ) made their point. IT's when people spirit they are being undervalued and are not being treated with ( 48 ) that problems begin and ( 49 ) can break down. Treating others as you want to be treated is an (50 ) dominate for good communication.








polite / relation


31. misunderstanding

32. listener

33. concentration

34.in effect

35. tendency

36. readily

37. fully

38. politeness

39. relationships

40. essential


Start 1 Marks: 30

Start a narrative: 'THEY HAD NOTHING TO SAY TO EACH OTHER' (10º 5ª)

Indite well-nig 150-200 dustup and put on't forget to:

Remember to:

- Discover characters and setting

- Organize successiveness of events

- Use both direct and indirect speech

- Earn it amusing but placid true-to life


PART 2 Marks: 30

You and your admirer would wish to work for a year connected a volunteer programme. Your friend has written to you and transmitted you the advertisement below. Scan the letter and the advertisement, together with his/her notes. Write a varsity letter to the World Support Programme asking for the information which your friend suggests and adding whatever pertinent questions of your own.

Write a letter of 'tween 120 and 180 words in an appropriate expressive style. Do not write whatever addresses.

This plan sounds merely what we want. I've added just about comments but I'll be away next week, sol perhaps you could write for more information and ask astir anything else you cerebrate we take to know.

WORLD Patronize PROGRAMME average age?

  • For volunteers aged 15 – 70
  • o overseas to work with localized communities Where? / Coiffure what?
  • Use your skills to help others Which skills?
  • ree accommodation

Intellectual nourishment included?

Where Can a 15 Year Old Work in Fort Smith Ar

Source: https://www.sites.google.com/a/esjgf.com/ties/if-i-were/test-february-with-key

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